Monthly Mode is available effective 1st of Aug 2023
COVID 19 and related coverages are now covered in Amended Policy wordings effective 1st Aug 2023
In the event of an emergency or if you require medical treatment you must contact the Assistance Company immediately at:
toll-free from Canada and the USA
collect where available
It is your responsibility to ensure that the Assistance Company has been contacted prior to receiving treatment. Your benefits will be limited to 80% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $25,000 if you fail to do so, other than in extreme circumstances when treatment is required to resolve a life threatening medical crisis.
NOTE: Italicized words are defined terms whose definition appears in the definitions section of the policy.
To be eligible for coverage, on the effective date, you must:
even if related expenses are incurred after the Waiting Period.
Exception: The Waiting Period will be waived if this policy is purchased on or prior to the expiry date of an existing Visitors to Canada Travel Insurance policy already issued by the insurer, to take effect on the day following such expiry date provided no increase in the Sum Insured option is applied for. The existing policy must be in effect on the date of purchase and there must be no gap in coverage.
If you wish to remain in Canada beyond the expiry date of this policy, you must contact your broker or sales agent and have no reason to seek medical attention during the new period of coverage.
You may purchase a new policy subject to the policy terms, conditions and premium schedule in effect at the time the new policy is requested. The cost of insurance will be calculated using the age of the insured on the effective date of the new policy provided that:
Each policy is considered a separate contract subject to all limitations and exclusions. The stability period will be applicable as of the effective date of the new policy.
Note: The minimum premium is $20 per policy.
Note: All claims incurred after the termination date of the insured person's insurance policy must be supported by documented proof of the event resulting in the delayed return. This benefit does not include costs associated with flight change.
The insurer will reimburse the reasonable and customary costs for eligible expenses described in this section that are incurred as the result of a covered emergency up to the sum insured, subject to all policy limitations, exclusions and provisions.However, certain expenses, as specified below, are covered only with the prior approval of the Assistance Company.
The following benefits apply only if you have selected and paid for the Enhanced or Premium plan as shown on your confirmation of insurance.
The following benefits apply only if you have selected and paid for the Premium plan as shown on your confirmation of insurance.
The following benefits apply only if you have selected and paid for an annual policy and are not subject to a deductible
Eye Examination:Up to $100 per insured for one visit to a licensed optometrist
This policy does not cover losses or expenses related in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any of the following:
Certain italicized terms used in this policy are defined in this section.
Accident means a sudden, unforeseen, unexpected and unintentional event exclusively attributable to an external cause resulting in bodily injury.
Assistance Company means the company designated by the insurer to provide emergency assistance services.
Country of Origin means the country for which the insured person holds a passport. Ifthe insured person holds more t han one passport, the country of origin will be taken to mean the country that the insured personhas declared on the application. Where a family is to be covered by the policy, there will be deemed to be one country of origin for the family, which will be the country of origin declared on the application.
Deductible means the amount (if applicable), in Canadian dollars, which the insured must pay before any remaining eligible expenses are reimbursed under this policy. The deductible applies onc e per insured person, per covered emergency.
Dependent Children means unmarried persons residing wi th you and dependent on you for support if you are their pa rent, grandparent or legal guardian, and on the effective da te they are at least 15 days of age and : a) under 21 years of age; or b) under 26 years of age and a full-time student; or c) have a mental or physical impairment.
Diseases and Infections of Global Concern means any one or more of: African Tick-Bite Fever, African Trypanosomiasis, Avian Flu, Bird Flu, Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus, Chagas Disease, Chikungunya, Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF), Cholera, COVID-19, Dengue, Ebola, Ebola virus disease, Hendra virus infection, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis E, Japanese Encephalitis, Lassa fever, Leptospirosis, Marburg virus disease, Meningococcal Meningitis, MERS-CoV, Monkey Pox, Malaria of any kind, Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Nipah virus infection, Plague, Polio, Polio virus of any kind, Rift Valley Fever, Ross River virus disease, SARS-CoV -1, SARS-CoV -2 including any mutation, variant(s) of concern (“VOC”), or variation thereof, Schistosomiasis, Tick-borne Encephalitis, Typhoid Fever, Tuberculosis of any kind, Tularaemia or Tullaraemia, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever or Zika.
Emergency means an unexpected and unforeseen sickness or injury occurring during the coverage period for which yourequire immediate medical treatment for the relief of acute pain or suffering occurring while on a covered trip and that such medical treatment cannot be delayed until your return to your country o f origin,whether you intend to or not.An emergency no longer exists when you are declared medically fit to travel by the Assistance Company’s Medical Team and no further benefits are payable in respect of the medical condition whi ch c aus ed the emergency.
Family means you and/or your spouse up to age 69 and your dependent children when your names appear on the application or confirmation of insurance. Coverage dates must be the same for all family members. All family members must live at the same address while in Canada. Government Health Insurance Plan means the health care coverage provided by Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments to their residents.
Government Health Insurance Plan means the health care coverage provided by Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments to their residents.
Hospital means an institution which is designated as a hospital by law; which is continuously staffed by one or more physicians available at all times; which continuously provides nursing services by graduate registered nurses; which is primarily engaged in providing diagnostic services and medical and surgical treatment of a sickness and/or injury in the acute phase, or active treatment of a chronic condition; which has facilities for diagnosis, major surgery and in-patient care. The term hospital does not include convalescent, nursing, rest or skilled nursing facilities, whether separate from or part of a regular general hospital, or a facility operated mainly as a clinic, extended or palliative care facility, rehabilitation facility, addiction treatment centre or health spa.
Hospitalization or Hospitalized means an insured occupies a hospital bed for more than 24 hours for medical treatment and for whom admission was recommended by a physician when medically necessary.
Immediate Family Member means the spouse, natural or adopted child, step-child, parent, step-parent, legal guardian, legal ward, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, in-law, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew of the insured person.
Injury means an unexpected and unforeseen harm to the body that is caused by an accident, sustained by an insured person during the coverage period and that requires emergency treatment that is covered by this policy.
Insured, Insured Person means any eligible person named on the application and confirmation of insurance for whom the required premium has been paid.
Insurer means Berkley Insurance Company which provides this insurance.
In-patient means a patient who occupies a hospital bed for more than 24 hours for medical treatment and for whom admi ssion was recommended by a physician when medically necessary.
Medical Treatment means any reasonable procedure whi ch i s medical, therapeutic or diagnostic in nature, which is medically necessary and which is prescribed by a physician. Medical treatment includes hospitalization, basic investigat ive t e sti ng, surgery, prescription medication (including prescribed as needed) or other treatment directly related to the sickness, injury or symptom.
Medically Necessary, in reference to a given service or supply, means such service or supply: a) is appropriate and consistent with the diagnosis ac cording to accepted community standards of medical practice; b) is not experimental or investigative in nature; c) cannot be omitted without adversely affecting the condition of the insured person or quality of medical care; d) cannot be delayed until the insured person returns to their country of origin.
Mountain Climbing means the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of specified equipment including crampons, pick axes, anchors, bolts, carabineers and leadrope or top rope anchoring equipment.
Physician means a medical practitioner who is registered and licensed to practice in accordance with the regulations applying in the jurisdiction where the person practices. A physician must be a person other than the insured person or an immediate family member.
Reasonable and Customary Costs means costs that are incurred for approved, covered medical services or supplies that do not exceed the standard fee of other providers of similar standing in the same geographical area, for the s a me treatment of a similar sickness and/or injury.
Sickness means a sudden and unforeseen disease or disorder of the body which results in loss during the coverage period. The sickness must be sufficiently serious to prompt a reasonably prudent person to consult a physician for the purpose of medical treatment.
Spouse means the person to whom the insured is legally married or with whom the insured has been living with in a common-law relationship for at least the last 12 months.
Stable means any medical condition (whether or not the diagnosis has been determined) for which there has been: a) no hospitalization; and b) no new diagnosis, treatment or prescribed medication; and c) no change* in treatment or medication; and d) no new, more frequent or more severe symptoms; and e) no new test results showing deterioration; and f) no referral to a specialist (made or recommended), and you are not awaiting surgery or the results of further investigations performed by any medical professional. *Change includes any new treatment or medication, stopped treatment or medication, increase or decrease in treatment or medication but does not include transition between generic and brand-name versions of drugs with the same active ingredient and dosage or the routine adjustment of dosage within prescribed parameters when you are taking insulin or oral diabetes medication.
Sum Insured means the maximum amount payable that you have selected at the time of purchase and paid for, or that applies to a given insurance coverage.
Temporary Visit means travel to a country outside of Canada as part of your covered trip which does not exceed: a) 49% of your covered trip’s duration; and b) 30 days if it originates and terminates in Canada; or c) 7 days if it originates or terminates in Canada.
Terminal Illness means the insured person has a condition that is cause for the physician to estimate that the insured person has less than 6 months to live.
Trip means the period between the effective and expiry date shown on your confirmation of insurance.
You, Your, Yourself means the insured person.
Notwithstanding any other provision herein contained, this contract is subject to the St atutory Condit ions in the Insurance Act respecting contracts of accident insurance.
If you require medical treatment during your trip, you must contact theAssistance Company immediately at:
toll-free from Canada and the USA
collect where available
It is your responsibility to ensure that the Assistance Company has been contacted prior to receiving treatment. Your benefits will be limited to 80% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $25,000 if you fail to do so, other than in extreme circumstances when treatment is required to resolve a life threatening medical crisis.
All pertinent documents should be sent to theAssistance Company
Epic Health Solutions.
25 Millard Ave West, Second Floor
Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 7R6
Underwritten by:
Berkley Insurance Company
145 King Street West
Suite 1000
Toronto, Ontario M5H 1J8
Administered Through:
Risk Care Insurance Ltd
7895 Tranmere Drive
Suite 16
Mississauga, Ontario L5S 1V9
(905) 672-9172
Claims Administered by:
Epic Health Solutions.
25 Millard Avenue West
Second Floor
Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 7R6