Monthly Mode is available effective 1st of Aug 2023

COVID 19 and related coverages are now covered in Amended Policy wordings effective 1st Aug 2023

Visitor to Canada Travel Insurance

In the event of an emergency or if you require medical treatment you must contact the Assistance Company immediately at:


toll-free from Canada and the USA


collect where available


It is your responsibility to ensure that the Assistance Company has been contacted prior to receiving treatment. Your benefits will be limited to 80% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $25,000 if you fail to do so, other than in extreme circumstances when treatment is required to resolve a life threatening medical crisis.

  • Travel insurance is designed to cover losses arising from sudden and unforeseeable circumstances. It is important that you read and understand your policy as your coverage may be subject to certain limitations or exclusions.
  • Your policy may not cover medical conditions and/or symptoms that existed prior to your trip. Check to see how this applies in your policy and how it relates to your effective date.
  • In the event of an accident, injury or sickness, your prior medical history will be reviewed when a claim is reported.
  • Costs incurred in your country of origin are not covered
  • Your policy provides travel assistance; you are required to notify the Assistance Company prior to medical treatment. Your policy may limitbenefits should you not contact the Assistance Company before seeking medical treatment.
  • Please take the time to read this policy to ensure that it meets your needs and contact your agent if you have any questions. You may cancel this policy within 10 days of the purchase date for a full refund provided it is before the effective date. Other refunds available are described under Refunds in the General Provisions section of this policy

NOTE: Italicized words are defined terms whose definition appears in the definitions section of the policy.

To be eligible for coverage, on the effective date, you must:

  1. 1. be a visitor to Canada or a person in Canada under a valid work or student visa, a Canadian or an immigrant not eligible for benefits under a government health insurance plan; and
  2. 2. be at least 15 days of age and less than 90 years of age (less than 70 year of age for Premium plan); and
  3. 3. not be travelling against the advice of a physician and/or not have been diagnosed with a terminal illness; and
  4. 4. not be experiencing new or undiagnosed signs or symptoms and/or know of any reason to seek medical attention; and
  5. 5. not require assistance with the activities of daily living(dressing, bathing, eating, using the toilet or getting in or out of a bed or chair).
  1. 1. In consideration of having paid the required premium in full for the selected sum insured, the insurer agrees to pay the reasonable and customary costs up to the selected sum insured incurred by you in case of an emergency occurring while in Canada or while on a temporary visit to another country. There is no coverage while in your country of origin.
  2. 2. The insurer will pay such eligible expenses, less any applicable deductible, up to the amount shown in the schedule of fees set by the government plan in your province or territory of residence in Canada for non-Canadian residents and only in excess of those reimbursable by any group or individual, private or public plan or contract of insurance, including any auto insurance plan.
  1. 3. Subject to all terms and conditions of the policy, the benefits are payable to a maximum of the sum insured insofar as such services are medically necessary. Benefit limits are per insured person, per trip.
  2. 4. This policy, the application and the confirmation of insurance constitute your contract of insurance.
  3. 5. The insurer reserves the right to decline any application.
  4. 6. The plan type purchased and the sum insured selected cannot be changed after the effective date indicated on your confirmation of insurance.
  5. 7. Only one policy can be issued to you and all premiums paid for any additional policy will be returned to you. When more than one policy of this form is issued by the insurer and is in force with respect to youat the time of claim, only one such policy, the earliest by effective date, will apply
  1. The maximum coverage period under this plan is 1 year per policy and not to exceed 2 consecutive years with the insurer.
  2. Coverage will extend for a temporary visit during the coverage period. Proof of all travel dates will be required in the event of a claim.
  3. Effective Date
    Your insurance policy commences on the latest of:
  4. a) the date and time you apply for and pay for this insurance;
  5. b) 12:01 a.m. (local time) on the effective date as shown on your confirmation of insurance. Proof of your date of arrival to Canada may be required;
  6. c) 7 days prior to the date and time of your arrival in Canada.
  7. Waiting Period
    If you purchase this coverage after your departure from your country of origin there is no coverage for any sickness, that began, or for which youexperienced symptoms,during:
    • a) the 48-hour period following the effective date of the policy if insurance is purchased within 30 days after your departure from your country of origin; or
    • b) the 8-day period following the effective date of the policy if insurance is purchased more than 30 days after your departure from your country of origin
    even if related expenses are incurred after the Waiting Period. If you purchase this coverage after your departure from your country of origin coverage for any injury that occurred is limited to 50% of eligible expenses, during:
    • a) the 48-hour period following the effective date of the policy if insurance is purchased within 30 days after your departure from your country of origin; or
    • b) the 8-day period following the effective date of the policy if insurance is purchased more than 30 days after your departure from your country of origin.

    even if related expenses are incurred after the Waiting Period.

    Exception: The Waiting Period will be waived if this policy is purchased on or prior to the expiry date of an existing Visitors to Canada Travel Insurance policy already issued by the insurer, to take effect on the day following such expiry date provided no increase in the Sum Insured option is applied for. The existing policy must be in effect on the date of purchase and there must be no gap in coverage.

  8. Expiry Date
    Coverage under this plan terminates on the earliest of:
    • a) 11:59 p.m. (local time) on the expiry date shown on your confirmation of insurance;
    • b) 1 year after the effective date of your insurance;
    • c) the date you become eligible for a government health insurance plan in Canada;
    • d) 7 days after the date and time you depart Canada with no intention to return to Canada during the coverage period;
    • e) the date when you exceed 49% of your coverage period while visiting another country;
    • f) 11:59 p.m. (local time) on an earlier date calculated by the insurer due to an incorrect or insufficient premium payment, including a lapsed monthly payment;
    You may return to your country of origin for a temporary visit prior to your expiry date and your coverage will resume with no additional premium once you return to Canada providing you remain eligible. The premium for the number of days of your temporary visit will not be refunded or reissued. Any medical condition for which symptoms were present or you received medical treatment during a temporary visit is not covered.
  1. Extending Your Coverage

    If you wish to remain in Canada beyond the expiry date of this policy, you must contact your broker or sales agent and have no reason to seek medical attention during the new period of coverage.

    You may purchase a new policy subject to the policy terms, conditions and premium schedule in effect at the time the new policy is requested. The cost of insurance will be calculated using the age of the insured on the effective date of the new policy provided that:

    • a) you remain eligible for insurance;
    • b) you have not experienced any changes in your health since your effective date or arrival date;
    • c) the required premium is paid.

    Each policy is considered a separate contract subject to all limitations and exclusions. The stability period will be applicable as of the effective date of the new policy.

    Note: The minimum premium is $20 per policy.

  2. Family Coverage
    If you have purchased family coverage at the time of application, your policy covers you and all family members named on the application (please refer to the definition of family) if:
    • a) coverage dates are the same for all family members;
    • b) all family members live at the same address while in Canada; and
    • c) the premium for family coverage is paid prior to the effective date of the policy, as shown on the application or confirmation of insurance.
  3. Automatic Extension of Coverage
    Upon notifying the Assistance Company your coverage will extend automatically, without additional premium, for up to 72 hours if your stay is prolonged beyond the expiry date due to any of the following reasons:
    • a) Delay beyond your control of the vehicle, airline, bus, train or government operated ferry system in which you are riding or are scheduled to ride as a passenger. The delay must occur prior to the expiry date and the conveyance must be due to arrive prior to the expiry date;
    • b) Medical evidence supports that you are medically unfit to return to your country of origin due to a covered sickness or injury on or before the expiry date.
    • c) You are hospitalized due to an emergency on the expiry date indicated on your confirmation of insurance as a result of a covered sickness or injury. Coverage extends for the period of hospitalization and the 72-hour extension will commence upon release from hospital.

    Note: All claims incurred after the termination date of the insured person's insurance policy must be supported by documented proof of the event resulting in the delayed return. This benefit does not include costs associated with flight change.

The insurer will reimburse the reasonable and customary costs for eligible expenses described in this section that are incurred as the result of a covered emergency up to the sum insured, subject to all policy limitations, exclusions and provisions.However, certain expenses, as specified below, are covered only with the prior approval of the Assistance Company.

  1. Hospital Accommodation:
    • a) Charges up to the ward rate (semi-private room for Enhanced and Premium plans) charged by the hospital. If medically necessary, expenses for treatment in an intensive care or coronary care unit are also covered.
    • b) Emergency-room fees
    • c) Emergency out-patient services provided by a hospital when medically necessary.
  2. Medical Services Medical treatment by a legally licensed physician, surgeon, anesthetist or registered graduate nurse (other than an immediate family member of the insured person).
  3. Diagnostic Services Laboratory tests and x-rays that are ordered by the attending physician and that are part of the emergency medical treatment. This policy does not cover magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), cardiac catheterization, computerized axial tomography (CAT) scans, digital x-rays, sonograms or ultrasounds and biopsies unless such services are approved in advance by the Assistance Company.
  4. Prescriptions: Drugs, including injectable drugs and sera, that can only be obtained upon medical prescription, that are prescribed by a physician and that are supplied by a licensed pharmacist when medically necessary for emergency medical treatment, except when needed to stabilize a chronic condition or a medical condition which an insured person had before the trip. This benefit is limited to a 30-day supply and up to $500 ($1,000 for Enhanced or Premium plans) per prescription, unless the insured person is hospitalized.
  5. Private Duty Nurse: When approved in advance by the Assistance Company and prescribed by an attending physician, the professional services of a registered private duty nurse (other than by an immediate family member) as the result of a covered emergency when medically necessary and while hospitalized or in lieu of hospitalization. When in lieu of hospitalization this benefit is limited to $5,000.
  6. Follow-up Visits: When approved in advance by the Assistance Company, up to 3 follow-up visits, provided they are directly related to your emergency.
  7. Paramedical Services: When approved in advance by the Assistance Company, the services (including x-rays) of a licensed chiropractor, physiotherapist, podiatrist, or osteopath to a maximum of $300 ($500 for Enhanced or Premium plans) per insured person, per profession listed above.
  8. Dental: When performed by a legally qualified dentist or oral surgeon, emergency dental treatment:
    • a) up to $3,000 to repair or replace whole or sound natural teeth or permanently attached artificial teeth damaged as a result of an accidental blow to the face; and
    • b) up to $300 ($500 for Enhanced or Premium plans) for relief of pain caused other than by a blow to the face and for which you have not previously received treatment or advice.
    Treatment must be initiated within 48 hours from the time the emergency began and be completed no later than 90 days after treatment began and before your expiry date or you return to your country of origin.
  9. Medical Appliances When approved in advance by the Assistance Company and prescribed by the attending physician, up to a maximum of $5,000 for minor appliances such as crutches, casts, splints, canes, slings, trusses, braces, walkers and/or the temporary rental of a wheelchair, not exceeding the purchase price
  10. Emergency Transportation
    • a) Licenced ambulance services (includes taxi fare in lieu of ambulance) to the nearest medical facility capable of providing the required emergency medical treatment;
    • b) Transportation between hospitals when ordered by the attending physician for emergency medical treatment;
    • c) If, as the result of a covered emergency, your treating physician or the Assistance Company’s Medical Team recommends that you be returned to Canada or your country of origin, the costs incurred for:
    • one-way economy airfare on a commercial flight via the most direct route, including the cost for additional seats to accommodate a stretcher;
    • return economy airfare via the most direct route for a qualified medical attendant to accompany you if required by the airline or if your attending physician states in writing that it is medically necessary;
    • air ambulance if medically necessary
    only when approved and arranged by the Assistance Company.
  1. Repatriation of Remains: In the event of your death as a result of covered accident or unforeseen sickness:
    • a)up to a maximum of $10,000 toward the actual cost incurred for the preparation of remains and transportation (including a standard shipping container) to your country of origin; or
    • b) up to $2,500 ($5,000 for Enhanced or Premium plans) for cremation and/or burial at the place of death.
    The cost of the casket, urn or funeral is not covered.
  2. Accidental Death & Dismemberment The insurer agrees to pay up to $50,000 for loss of life, limb or sight of an insured person resulting directly from accidental injury occurring during the coverage period, except while boarding, riding in, or alighting from an aircraft.
    Benefits are payable according to the following schedule:
    • a) 100% of sum insured resulting from the same accidental injury for loss of:
      • i. life; or
      • ii. entire sight of both eyes; or
      • iii. both hands; or
      • iv. both feet; or
      • v. one hand and entire sight of one eye; or
      • vi. one foot and entire sight of one eye.
    • b) 50% of sum insured resulting from the same accidental injury for loss of:
      • i. entire sight of one eye; or
      • ii. one hand; or
      • iii. one foot.
    Loss of hand or hands, or foot or feet means severance through or above the wrist joint or ankle joint, respectively.
    Loss of eye or eyes means total and irrecoverable loss of the entire sight.
    Only one amount is payable (the largest) if you suffer more than one of these losses.
    Exposure and Disappearance
    If you are exposed to the elements or disappear as a result of an accident, a loss will be covered if:
    • as a result of such exposure, you suffer one of the losses specified in the schedule of losses above; or
    • your body has not been found within 52 we eks from the date of the accident. It will be presumed, subject to evidence to the contrary, that you suffered loss of life.
  3. Flight Accident: Up to $50,000 ($100,000 for Premium plan) in case of death of an insured person as a result of an injury sustained during the coverage period while travelling as a fare-paying passenger on a commercial airline. If the total claims for the same accident exceed $300,000, the insurer’s liability for that accident is limited to $300,000 which will be shared proportionately among all claimants involved in the same accident and who are covered under all policies underwritten by the insurer.

The following benefits apply only if you have selected and paid for the Enhanced or Premium plan as shown on your confirmation of insurance.

  • Transportation to Bedside: When approved in advance by the Assistance Company single round-trip economy airfare plus up to $150 per day to a maximum of $3,000 for the cost of meals and commercial accommodation for one person of your choice to:
    • a) be with the insured person if the insured person is travelling alone and has been hospitalized as the result of a covered emergency. To be payable, this benefit requires that the insured person eventually be hospitalized as an in-patient for at least 3 consecutive days and that the attending physician provide written certification that the situation was serious enough to warrant the visit; or
    • b) identify the deceased insured person prior to the release of the body, where necessary.
  • Meals and Accommodation: : When approved in advance by the Assistance Company, up to $150 per day, to an overall maximum of $3,000 for your commercial accommodation, meals, essential telephone calls, internet fees, bus or taxi fare or rental car in lieu and child care costs for your dependents up to age 18 (excluding child care provided by an immediate family member), if, upon a physician’s advice:
    • a) you or your travel companion are hospitalized on the date you are scheduled to return to your country of origin or place of residence in Canada; or
    • b) you or your travel companion are transferred to a different hospital in another city for emergency medical treatment
  • The fact that an insured person is unable to travel must be certified by the attending physician and claims must be supported with original receipts from commercial organizations.
  • Hospital Allowance: Up to $50 per day to a maximum $500 for incidental expenses billed by the hospitalsuch as telephone, television or internet charges while you are hospitalized.
  • Return and Escort of Children: When approved and arranged in advance by the Assistance Company, up to economy airfare to return accompanying dependent children to the departure point in the event that you are returned to your country of origin or Canada under the Emergency Transportation benefit. The insurer will also pay for an escort to accompany the dependent children.
  • Excess Baggage Return:When approved and arranged in advance by the Assistance Company, up to $500 for the cost of returning your excess baggage to the departure point in the event that you are returned to your country of origin or Canada under the Emergency Transportation benefit.
  • The following benefits apply only if you have selected and paid for the Premium plan as shown on your confirmation of insurance.

    1. Maternity: In the event of pregnancy of an insured commencing during the coverage period the insurer will reimburse reasonable and customary expenses actually incurred in Canada for a maximum period of 6 months following the birth of the child, up to a maximum amount of $10,000 subject to all limitations, exclus ions and other provisions of this policy, for pre-natal care, complications arising from such pregnancy, childbirth and post-natal care. This benefit is provided only when coverage has been in forcefor the entire term of the pregnancy. For multiple policieswith no lapse in coverage, the expected delivery date must be more than 10 months after the effective date of the initial policy purchased. Expenses incurred outside of Canada are not covered.

    The following benefits apply only if you have selected and paid for an annual policy and are not subject to a deductible

    1. Psychiatric/Psychological: Up to $1,000 per insured for visits to a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker for the relief of acute symptoms when deemed essential by the attending physician.
    2. Vaccines: Up to $100 per insured for vaccinations.
    3. Physical Examination: Up to $250 per insured for one visit to a physicianfor a routine examination.
    4. Eye Examination:Up to $100 per insured for one visit to a licensed optometrist

    This policy does not cover losses or expenses related in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any of the following:

    1. Any sickness, injury or medical condition that was not stable in the 90 days prior to the effective date. Any sickness, injury or medical condition that existed prior to the effective date if you have selected and paid for Plan 1 as indicated on yourConfirmation of Insurance. If you have selected and paid for Plan 2 as indicated on your Confirmation of Insurance, there is no coverage for any sickness, injury or medical condition that existed prior to the effective date, other than:
      • a) Up to Age 74: Any sickness, injury or medical condition that was stable in the 90 days prior to the effective date.
      • b) Age 75-84: Any sickness, injury or medical condition that was stable in the 180 days prior to the effective date provided you have accurately answered no to all questions on the medical declaration. If any question on the medical declaration is answered yes, there is no coverage for any sickness, injury or medical condition that existed prior to the effective date, whether or not stable
    2. Expenses related to a sickness or injury that would have caused an ordinarily prudent person to seek medical treatment, advice, diagnosis or care during the 90 day period immediately prior to the effective date.
    3. Any medical treatment that is not emergency medical treatment for the immediate relief of acute pain and suffering, including any elective or cosmetic surgery or treatment.
    4. Any sickness or injury which occurred prior to the effective date of your policy.
    5. Any costs incurred while outside of Canada which exce eds the duration allowed under a temporary visit.
    6. Any costs incurred due to your travelling against the advice of a physician or any loss resulting from your sickness or medical condition that was diagnosed by a physician as a terminal illness prior to the effective date.
    7. Any medical treatment which can reasonably be delayed until you return to your country of origin by the next available means of transportation, whether you intend to or not.
    8. Any medical treatment of an ongoing condition, regular care of a chronic condition, home health care, investigative testing, rehabilitation, convalescent or ongoing care or medical treatmentof an acute sickness and/or injury a fte r the initial emergency has ended.
    9. Non-compliance with any prescribed medical treatment or therapy.
    10. Expenses incurred whereby this policy was purchased specifically to obtain medical treatment outside your country of origin, whether or not recommended by your attending physician.
    11. Any medical treatment in your country of origin.
    12. Any medical condition for which symptoms were prese nt or for which you received medical treatment during a temporary visit to your country of origin during the coverage period.
    13. Any claims for sickness, injury, losses or damages arising directly or indirectly from any sickness, injury, loss or damage, fear or threat (whether actual or perceived) related to one or more of Diseases and Infections of Global Concern identified in the Definitions section of this policy whether acquired within Canada, external to Canada, or in an international jurisdiction.
    14. Transplants including, but not limited t o, c ornea or organ transplants or bone marrow transplants, a rt ificial joints, prosthetic devices or implants i nc luding a ny associat ed charges. Implants required to stabilize an emergency medical condition may be covered if pre-approved by t he Assistance Company.
    15. The replacement of an existing prescription whether by reason of loss, unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this policy, renewal or inadequate supply or the purchase of drugs and medications (including vitamins) which are commonly available without a prescription or which are not legally registered and approved in Canada or which are not required as a result of an emergency.
    16. Loss or damage to hearing devices, eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, or prosthetic teeth, limbs or devices and resulting prescription thereof.
    17. Routine pre-natal care; your pregnancy or childbirth or complications thereof occurring in the 9 weeks before or after the expected delivery date except as provided in Benefit # 19 Maternity.
    18. For children under 2 years of age any sickness or medical condition resulting from or related to a congenital defect.
    1. Expenses for any benefit or medical treatment that requires prior approval by the Assistance Company if such approval was not provided, except in extreme circumstances where such medical treatment is performed on an emergency basis immediately upon admission to hospital.
    2. A disorder, disease, condition or symptom that is emotional, psychological or mental in nature unless t he insured is hospitalized or as provided in Benefit #20 – Psychiatric/Psychological.
    3. Loss, death or injury, if at the time of the loss, death or injury, evidence supports that you were affected by, or the medical condition causing the loss was in any way contributed to by, the use of alcohol, prohibited drugs or any other intoxicant.
    4. Committing or attempting to commit an illegal act or a criminal act by an insured person.
    5. Your suicide, attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury.
    6. Rock or mountain climbing, hang gliding, parachuting, bungee jumping, or skydiving; participation in any motorized race or speed contest; participation in any sport as a professional athlete (for which the insured person is remunerated) or scuba diving (except if certifie d by an internationally recognized and accepted program RISK CARE GENERAL INSURANCE Page 6 of 11 VTCPOL-202006_RC such as NAUI or PADI, or if diving depth does not exceed 30 metres).
    7. Death or injury sustained while operating or learning to operate any aircraft as pilot or crew.
    8. Travel to, from or through any country, region or city for which, prior to your departure date, the Canadian Government, or any department thereof, has issued a warning to avoid all travel or to avoid non-essential trave l during the time of your trip if the loss is the result of the reason for which the warning was issued.
    9. War, invasion, act of a foreign enemy, declared or undeclared hostilities, civil war, riot, rebellion, revolution or military power or your unlawful visit in any country.
    10. Contamination resulting from radioactive material or nuclear fuel or waste or the release of weapon(s) of mass destruction (nuclear, chemical or biological).
    11. Service in, or training for, the armed forces, national guard or organized reserve corps of any country or international authority.
    12. The following additional exclusions are also applicable to the Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefits
    13. Mental incapacity whether the loss or claim results directl y or indirectly from a disorder, disease, condition or symptom that is emotional, psychological or mental in nature.
    14. Sustained while the insured is underdoing the medical or surgical treatment of any sickness, injury or medical condition.
    15. Stroke or cerebrovascular condition, cardiovascular condition including, but not limited to, myocardial infarction or heart attack, coronary thrombosis and aneurysm.
    16. Travel or flight in or on (including getting in or out of, or on or off of) any vehicle used for aerial navigation, if you are: a) riding as a passenger in any aircraft for intended or licensed for the transportation of passengers; or b) performing, learning to perform or instructing others to perform as a pilot or crew member.
    17. Infections of any kind regardless of how contracted, except bacterial infections that are directly caused by botulis m, ptomaine poisoning or an accidental cut or wound independent and in the absence of any underlying sickness, injury or medical condition including but not limited to diabetes.
    18. An act, attempted act, or omission taken or made by you, or an act, attempted act or omission taken or made with your consent, for the purposes of interrupting the blood flow to your brain or to cause asphyxiation to you, whether with intent to cause harm or not.
    19. Natural causes.

    Certain italicized terms used in this policy are defined in this section.

    Accident means a sudden, unforeseen, unexpected and unintentional event exclusively attributable to an external cause resulting in bodily injury.

    Assistance Company means the company designated by the insurer to provide emergency assistance services.

    Country of Origin means the country for which the insured person holds a passport. Ifthe insured person holds more t han one passport, the country of origin will be taken to mean the country that the insured personhas declared on the application. Where a family is to be covered by the policy, there will be deemed to be one country of origin for the family, which will be the country of origin declared on the application.

    Deductible means the amount (if applicable), in Canadian dollars, which the insured must pay before any remaining eligible expenses are reimbursed under this policy. The deductible applies onc e per insured person, per covered emergency.

    Dependent Children means unmarried persons residing wi th you and dependent on you for support if you are their pa rent, grandparent or legal guardian, and on the effective da te they are at least 15 days of age and : a) under 21 years of age; or b) under 26 years of age and a full-time student; or c) have a mental or physical impairment.

    Diseases and Infections of Global Concern means any one or more of: African Tick-Bite Fever, African Trypanosomiasis, Avian Flu, Bird Flu, Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus, Chagas Disease, Chikungunya, Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHF), Cholera, COVID-19, Dengue, Ebola, Ebola virus disease, Hendra virus infection, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis E, Japanese Encephalitis, Lassa fever, Leptospirosis, Marburg virus disease, Meningococcal Meningitis, MERS-CoV, Monkey Pox, Malaria of any kind, Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Nipah virus infection, Plague, Polio, Polio virus of any kind, Rift Valley Fever, Ross River virus disease, SARS-CoV -1, SARS-CoV -2 including any mutation, variant(s) of concern (“VOC”), or variation thereof, Schistosomiasis, Tick-borne Encephalitis, Typhoid Fever, Tuberculosis of any kind, Tularaemia or Tullaraemia, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever or Zika.

    Emergency means an unexpected and unforeseen sickness or injury occurring during the coverage period for which yourequire immediate medical treatment for the relief of acute pain or suffering occurring while on a covered trip and that such medical treatment cannot be delayed until your return to your country o f origin,whether you intend to or not.An emergency no longer exists when you are declared medically fit to travel by the Assistance Company’s Medical Team and no further benefits are payable in respect of the medical condition whi ch c aus ed the emergency.

    Family means you and/or your spouse up to age 69 and your dependent children when your names appear on the application or confirmation of insurance. Coverage dates must be the same for all family members. All family members must live at the same address while in Canada. Government Health Insurance Plan means the health care coverage provided by Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments to their residents.

    Government Health Insurance Plan means the health care coverage provided by Canadian federal, provincial and territorial governments to their residents.

    Hospital means an institution which is designated as a hospital by law; which is continuously staffed by one or more physicians available at all times; which continuously provides nursing services by graduate registered nurses; which is primarily engaged in providing diagnostic services and medical and surgical treatment of a sickness and/or injury in the acute phase, or active treatment of a chronic condition; which has facilities for diagnosis, major surgery and in-patient care. The term hospital does not include convalescent, nursing, rest or skilled nursing facilities, whether separate from or part of a regular general hospital, or a facility operated mainly as a clinic, extended or palliative care facility, rehabilitation facility, addiction treatment centre or health spa.

    Hospitalization or Hospitalized means an insured occupies a hospital bed for more than 24 hours for medical treatment and for whom admission was recommended by a physician when medically necessary.

    Immediate Family Member means the spouse, natural or adopted child, step-child, parent, step-parent, legal guardian, legal ward, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister, in-law, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew of the insured person.

    Injury means an unexpected and unforeseen harm to the body that is caused by an accident, sustained by an insured person during the coverage period and that requires emergency treatment that is covered by this policy.

    Insured, Insured Person means any eligible person named on the application and confirmation of insurance for whom the required premium has been paid.

    Insurer means Berkley Insurance Company which provides this insurance.

    In-patient means a patient who occupies a hospital bed for more than 24 hours for medical treatment and for whom admi ssion was recommended by a physician when medically necessary.

    Medical Treatment means any reasonable procedure whi ch i s medical, therapeutic or diagnostic in nature, which is medically necessary and which is prescribed by a physician. Medical treatment includes hospitalization, basic investigat ive t e sti ng, surgery, prescription medication (including prescribed as needed) or other treatment directly related to the sickness, injury or symptom.

    Medically Necessary, in reference to a given service or supply, means such service or supply: a) is appropriate and consistent with the diagnosis ac cording to accepted community standards of medical practice; b) is not experimental or investigative in nature; c) cannot be omitted without adversely affecting the condition of the insured person or quality of medical care; d) cannot be delayed until the insured person returns to their country of origin.

    Mountain Climbing means the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of specified equipment including crampons, pick axes, anchors, bolts, carabineers and leadrope or top rope anchoring equipment.

    Physician means a medical practitioner who is registered and licensed to practice in accordance with the regulations applying in the jurisdiction where the person practices. A physician must be a person other than the insured person or an immediate family member.

    Reasonable and Customary Costs means costs that are incurred for approved, covered medical services or supplies that do not exceed the standard fee of other providers of similar standing in the same geographical area, for the s a me treatment of a similar sickness and/or injury.

    Sickness means a sudden and unforeseen disease or disorder of the body which results in loss during the coverage period. The sickness must be sufficiently serious to prompt a reasonably prudent person to consult a physician for the purpose of medical treatment.

    Spouse means the person to whom the insured is legally married or with whom the insured has been living with in a common-law relationship for at least the last 12 months.

    Stable means any medical condition (whether or not the diagnosis has been determined) for which there has been: a) no hospitalization; and b) no new diagnosis, treatment or prescribed medication; and c) no change* in treatment or medication; and d) no new, more frequent or more severe symptoms; and e) no new test results showing deterioration; and f) no referral to a specialist (made or recommended), and you are not awaiting surgery or the results of further investigations performed by any medical professional. *Change includes any new treatment or medication, stopped treatment or medication, increase or decrease in treatment or medication but does not include transition between generic and brand-name versions of drugs with the same active ingredient and dosage or the routine adjustment of dosage within prescribed parameters when you are taking insulin or oral diabetes medication.

    Sum Insured means the maximum amount payable that you have selected at the time of purchase and paid for, or that applies to a given insurance coverage.

    Temporary Visit means travel to a country outside of Canada as part of your covered trip which does not exceed: a) 49% of your covered trip’s duration; and b) 30 days if it originates and terminates in Canada; or c) 7 days if it originates or terminates in Canada.

    Terminal Illness means the insured person has a condition that is cause for the physician to estimate that the insured person has less than 6 months to live.

    Trip means the period between the effective and expiry date shown on your confirmation of insurance.

    You, Your, Yourself means the insured person.

    1. Notification to Assistance Company
      The Assistance Company must approve in advance any surgery, invasive procedure, diagnostic testing or treatment (including, but not limited to, cardiac catheterization), prior to the insured undergoing such surgery, procedure, testing or treatment. It remains your responsibility to inform your attending physician to call the Assistance Company for approval, except in extreme circumstances where such action would delay surgery required to resolve a life threatening medical crisis.
      In the event of a medical emergency, you must notify the Assistance Company within 24 hours of admission to a hospital and before any surgery is performed.
      If you fail to do so without reasonable cause, then the insurer will pay 80% of the claim payable to a maximum of $25,000. You will be responsible for any expenses that are not payable by the insurer
    2. Limitation of Benefits
      Once the insured person is deemed medically stable to return to their country of origin or by virtue of discharge from a medical facility, the emergency will be deemed to have ended, where upon any further consultation, treatment, recurrence or complication related to the emergency will no longer be eligible for coverage under this policy.
    3. Inability to Obtain Medical Records
      In the event that the insurer is unable to obtain medical records from your country of origin your medical history will be based on information developed from your attending physician's report, medical examination or other sources of pertinent information.
    1. Availability and Quality of Care
      Neither the insurer nor the Assistance Company shall be responsible for the availability or quality of any medical treatment (including the results thereof) or the failure of the insured person to obtain medical treatment during the coverage period.
    2. Medical Transfer or Repatriation
      The insurer reserves the right, as reasonably required and at its expense, to transfer you to any hospital or to transport you to Canada or your country of origin during an emergency for medical treatment of your sickness or injury.
      If you refuse to be transferred or transported when declared medically fit to travel by the Assistance Company's Medical Team, any continuing costs incurred for such sickness or injury after your refusal will not be covered and the payment of such costs becomes your sole responsibility. Coverage for the sickness or injury ceases upon your refusal and no coverage will be provided for that sickness or injury for the remainder of the coverage period.
    3. Limitation of Assistance Services
      The Assistance Company reserves the right to suspend, curtail or limit services in any area or country in the event that war, political instability or hostility renders the area inaccessible by the Assistance Company. The Assistance Company will use its best efforts to provide services during any such occurrence.
    1. Aggregate Limit
      The total aggregate limit for all losses resulting from any one incident under all travel insurance policies underwritten by the insurer is $20,000,000CAD.
    2. Applicable Law
      This contract of insurance is governed by the laws of the province or territory where this policy was issued. Any legal proceeding by you, your heirs or assigns shall be brought in the courts of the province or territory where this policy was issued.
    3. Arbitration
      Notwithstanding any clause in this policy, the parties hereto undertake to submit to an arbitration process, to the exclusion of the courts, any present or future dispute relating to a claim. The arbitration proceedings shall be governed by the arbitration law in force in the Canadian province or territory of residence of the insured. The parties agree that any action will be referred to arbitration.
    4. Currency
      All sums payable under this policy are in Canadian currency. If an insured person has paid a covered expense in a currency other than Canadian currency, the insured person will be reimbursed in Canadian currency at the prevailing rate of exchange on the date that the claim payment is made. This insurance will not pay interest.
    5. Limitation of Actions
      Every action or proceeding against an insurer for the recovery of insurance money payable under the contract is absolutely barred unless commenced within the time set out in the Insurance Act or any other applicable legislation.
    6. Limitation of Benefits
      Once the insured person is deemed medically stable to return to their country of origin or by virtue of discharge from a medical facility, the emergency will be deemed to have ended, whereupon any further consultation, treatment, recurrence or complication related to the emergency will no longer be eligible for coverage under this policy.
    7. Misrepresentation and Non-Disclosure
      The entire coverage under this policy shall be voidable if the insurer determines, whether before or after loss, that the insured person has concealed, misrepresented or failed to disclose any material fact or circumstance concerning this policy or his interest therein, or if the insured person refuses to disclose information or to permit the use of such information, pertaining to any of the insured persons under this policy. Consequently and following a loss, no claim shall be payable by the insurer and the insured person shall be solely responsible for all expenses relating to his claim, including medical repatriation costs.
    8. Misstatement of Age
      If your age has been misstated to the insurer, the coverage and/or premium may be adjusted in accordance with the correct age as of the date you applied for coverage to become effective. Any premium adjustment is payable upon receipt of a premium notice.
    9. No Assignment
      Any benefits payable or which may become payable under this policy cannot be assigned by you. The insurer is not responsible for and will not be bound by any assignment entered into by you. In the event of an assignment, you agree to defend and indemnify the insurer in respect of any dispute regarding benefits payable or which may become payable as a consequence of an assignment.
    10. Other Insurance
      This insurance is a second payor plan. For any loss or damage insured by, or for any claim payable under any other liability, group or individual basic or extended health insurance plan, or contracts including any private or provincial or territorial auto insurance plan providing hospital, medical, or therapeutic coverage, or any other insurance in force concurrently herewith, amounts payable hereunder are limited to those covered benefits incurred outside your country of origin that are in excess of the amounts for which an insured person is insured under such other coverage. You may not claim or receive in total more than 100% of the loss caused by the insured event.
    11. Overpayment of Benefits
      Nothing in this policy will prevent the insurer from recovering from the person or organization to which such payment has been made any overpayment of benefit, irrespective of the cause of such overpayment.
    1. Premium Payment
      The required premium is due and payable at the time of application and will be determined according to the rate schedule then in effect. The minimum premium is $20 per policy. All payments must be made by credit card. Premium rates, policy terms and conditions are based on your age as of the effective date. If the premium paid is insufficient for the coverage selected, the insurer will charge and collect any underpayment. Coverage will be null and void if the premium is not received, if credit card charges are invalid or if no proof of your payment exists.
      If you have selected the Monthly Payment Option, monthly payment amounts will be calculated as 1/12 of the total premium due. An amount equal to two month's premium plus an administration fee will be billed on the effective date of the policy. The remaining 10 monthly payments plus an administration fee will be billed on the same date of the subsequent 10 months.
      If a payment is not received, the insurer will advise your broker of the missed payment. The expiry date will be calculated based on all premium payments received. If a replacement payment is not received prior to the expiry date all coverage will cease under this policy. The insurer will not be liable for any claims that occur after the policy has expired.
    2. Protecting Your Privacy
      The insurer places great importance on the protection of your privacy. Your personal information will be collected, used and disclosed only for the purpose of providing you with the insurance services you requested. This information remains confidential, as is required under applicable federal and provincial laws. In the event of a claim, the Assistance Company and the insurer may collect your personal health information held by a third party. This information may be released to employees of the Assistance Company and the insurer for claims analysis and to better serve you.
      In no case will the insurer release this information to any person or organization that is not clearly entitled to it without first seeking your consent. For details of the insurer's privacy policy please see:
    3. Refunds
      1. If cancellation of your policy is requested prior to the effective date, the full premium paid will be refunded less any applicable administration fee. If the policy was purchased for a Super Visa application, satisfactory proof from Citizenship and Immigration Canada that your Super Visa was denied will be required prior to the refund being accepted and processed.
      2. The premium paid (less any administration fees) may be partially refunded for the unused portion of the premium if termination of your policy is requested because you must return to your country of origin prior to your scheduled return date, or you become eligible and/or covered under a government health insurance plan during the coverage period.
      Note: Requests for refunds must be received in writing by your broker or sales agent no later than 60 days from the date you became eligible and/or covered under a government health insurance plan, or the date of your early return, or the expiry date of your policy. Once your broker or sales agent receives satisfactory proof (e.g. airline ticket/boarding pass, customs/immigration stamp), of your early return, or proof of the date you became eligible and/or covered under a government health insurance plan, yourrefund will be calculated from that date, otherwise calculation of such refunds will be based on the postmarked date of your written request. No refund will be issued if the amount of premium to be reimbursed is less than $20 per policy.
    4. Subrogation
      If an insured person suffers a loss covered under this policy, the insurer is granted the right from the insured person to take action to enforce all the insured person's rights, powers, privileges, and remedies, to the extent of benefits paid under this policy, against any person, legal person or entity which caused such loss. Additionally, if "no fault" benefits or other collateral sources of payment of medical expenses are available to the insured person, regardless of fault, the insurer is granted the right to make demand for, and recover, those benefits. If the insurer institutes an action it may do so at its own expense, in the name of the insured person, and the insured person will attend at the place of loss to assist in the action, in addition to providing the insurer all information, cooperation and assistance as the insurer may reasonably require. If the insured person institutes a demand or action for a covered loss, the insured person shall immediately notify the insurer so that the insurer may safeguard its rights. The insured person shall take no action after a loss that will impair the rights of the insurer set forth in this paragraph and shall do all such things as are necessary to secure such rights.

    Notwithstanding any other provision herein contained, this contract is subject to the St atutory Condit ions in the Insurance Act respecting contracts of accident insurance.

    1. The Contract
      The application, this policy, any document attached to this policy when issued and any amendment to the contract agreed on in writing after this policy is issued constitute the entire contract and no agent has authority to change the contract or waive any of its provisions.
    2. Waiver
      The insurer is deemed not to have waived any condition of this contract, either in whole or in part, unless the waiver is clearly expressed in writing signed by the insurer.
    3. Copy of Application
      The insurer must, upon request, furnish to the insured or to a claimant under the contract a copy of the application.
    4. Material Facts
      No statement made by the insured or a person insured at the time of application for the contract shall be used in defence of a claim under or to avoid the contract unless it is contained in the application or any other written statements or answers furnished as evidence of insurability.
    5. Notice and Proof of Claim
      The insured or a person insured, or a beneficiary entitled to make a claim, or the agent of any of them, shall,
      a. give written notice of claim to the insurer,
      i. by delivery thereof, or by sending it by registered mail to the head office or chief agency of the insurer in the province, or
      ii. by delivery thereof to an authorized agent of the insurer in the province,
      not later than 30 days from the date a claim arises under the contract on account of an accident, sickness or disability;
      b. within 90 days after the date a claim arises under the contract on account of an accident or sickness, furnish to the insurer such proof as is reasonably possible in the circumstances of:
      i. the happening of the accident or the start of the sickness,
      ii. the loss caused by the accident or sickness,
      iii. the right of the claimant to receive payment,
      iv. the claimant's age, and
      v. if relevant, the beneficiary’s age; and
      if so required by the insurer, furnish a satisfactory certificate as to the cause or nature of the accident, sickness or disability for which claim may be made under the contract and as to the duration of such sickness or disability.
    1. Failure to Give Notice or Proof
      Failure to give notice of claim or furnish proof of claim within the time required by this condition does not invalidate the claim if
      1. the notice or proof is given or furnished as soon as reasonably possible, and in no event later than 1 year after the date of the accident or the date a claim arises under the contract on account of sickness or disability, and it is shown that it was not reasonably possible to give the notice or furnish the proof in the time required by this condition, or
      2. in the case of death of the person insured, if a declaration of presumption of death is necessary, the notice or proof is given or furnished no later than 1 year from the date a court makes the declaration.
    2. Insurer to Furnish Forms for Proof of Claim
      The insurer shallfurnish forms for proof of claim within 15 days after receiving notice of claim, but if the claimant has not received the forms within that time the claimant may submit his or her proof of claim in the form of a written statement of the cause or nature of the accident, sickness or disability giving rise to the claim and of the extent of the loss
    3. Rights of Examination
      As a condition precedent to recovery of insurance money under the contract,
      a. the claimant must give the insurer an opportunity to examine the person of the person insured when and as often as it reasonably requires while the claim is pending, and
      b. in the case of death of the person insured the insurer may require an autopsy, subject to any law of the applicable jurisdiction relating to autopsies.
    4. When Moneys Payable
      All money payable under this contract shall be paid by the insurer within 60 days after it has received proof of claim.

    If you require medical treatment during your trip, you must contact theAssistance Company immediately at:

    toll-free from Canada and the USA

    collect where available


    It is your responsibility to ensure that the Assistance Company has been contacted prior to receiving treatment. Your benefits will be limited to 80% of eligible expenses to a maximum of $25,000 if you fail to do so, other than in extreme circumstances when treatment is required to resolve a life threatening medical crisis.

    1. Emergency Call Centre - Professional assistance personnel are available to take your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    2. Referrals - The Assistance Company will refer you to nearby medical providers (hospitals, clinics and physicians).
    3. Benefit Information - Explanation of this policy is available to you and to the medical providers who are treating the insured person.
    4. Medical Consultants - The Assistance Company's team of medical professionals, available 24 hours a day, will monitor the services given in the event of a serious emergency.
    1. Direct Billing - Whenever possible, the Assistance Company will instruct the hospital or clinic to bill the Assistance Company directly.
    2. Claims Information - The Assistance Company will answer any questions you have about the eligibility of your claim, standard verification procedures and the way that the benefits under this policy are administered.
    1. Claims Procedures
      The insured person may designate a beneficiary for the Repatriation of Remains and Accidental Death & Dismemberment benefits to receive the amount payable for his/her death. In the absence of such designation, the beneficiary shall be the estate of the insured person. All other benefits are payable to the insured person.
      The insured person is responsible for providing all documents outlined below or requested by the Assistance Company and for any charges levied by providers to obtain these documents. To file a claim, the insured person must submit the following within 90 days of receipt of services payable under the policy:
      a) a fully completed claim form that will be provided by the Assistance Company upon notification of claim; b) all original itemized bills from themedical provider(s) stating the claimant's full name, complete diagnosis, and dates and types of treatment; c) all original itemized bills from the service provider(s) stating the claimants full name, complete list of services, and dates and types of services received;
    1. d) original prescription drug receipts (not cash receipts) from the pharmacist, physician or hospital showing the name of the prescribing physician, prescription number, name of preparation, date, quantity and total cost;
      e) a copy of your passport confirming entry into and departure from Canada. For temporary visits proof of departure from, and return to, Canada must be provided based on your method of travel. This could include boarding passes, airline tickets, train tickets, toll highway receipts and gas receipts;
      f) additional information pertinent to the insured person's claim, as may be required by theAssistance Company after receipt of the claim;
      g) the unused portion of the insured person's airline ticket if the Emergency Transportation or Repatriation benefit is used.
      Berkley Insurance Company reserves the right to exclude costs incurred on all invoices submitted which cannot be verified by the insurer.

    All pertinent documents should be sent to theAssistance Company
    Epic Health Solutions.
    25 Millard Ave West, Second Floor
    Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 7R6

    Underwritten by:
    Berkley Insurance Company
    145 King Street West
    Suite 1000
    Toronto, Ontario M5H 1J8

    Administered Through:
    Risk Care Insurance Ltd
    7895 Tranmere Drive
    Suite 16
    Mississauga, Ontario L5S 1V9
    (905) 672-9172

    Claims Administered by:
    Epic Health Solutions.
    25 Millard Avenue West
    Second Floor
    Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 7R6